Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Women struggles

Today was very informal I did learn a lot that I did not know at all. I learned things that I never could happen, I learned things that I did not know we're going on, and I guess that's why it's a privilege. I first learned about the power struggle and the vulnerability that women go through from day to day. Like Ms Sweeney talk about how she was followed and how she always has to keep an open eye and an open ear toward these things. I once was walking by myself down the street, I was alone and it never occurred to me that someone could have killed or kidnapped me. Women as Ms Tourto, Sweeney and Baker said they all are aware and alert. They always try to prepare  themselves  for what might happen, Even if it doesn't they prepare and act like something may happen to them. Power and for me men want to feel stronger, or feel as though they have more power that's why in my eyes they rape, or they steal, they so these things in my eyes just to just power. To let themselves believe that they have power over people, and most of the time, it's women who catch this bullet. Women have some privileges that men especially black men will never have. Like they can get pulled over and the cop will never think there are even a threat, the cop will never think they have drugs or be willing to hurt them. Black people could be walking and cops will think they are dangerous and up to no good and arrest us. Women do have advantages but also have to put up with the comments and the stares that men give to them everyday. Also white men hols and have the domainate privilege that group of people hold most of the countries power and privilege. White women have some privileges and so do men of all races, but white women have more privilege than minority men because they are white and the world listens to white people. This country is for white people, if a white women and a black women were to go againsted each other the white women would win. In eyes only because she is white.  All of the women today talk about feeling uncomfortable at and in the work place. Anyone who is in and all opposite sex setting will really fell uncomfortable, and the other sex will say rude things. Men who are in an all women work place would feel uncomfortable and will hear ride things, this does happen though. Men never have to dea km with this because this never happens to them. Why do you thing men never feel uncomfortable or never feel the urge to protect themselves in a certain setting?  Why do men feel they can abuse and treat women badly?

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