Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Class Disccusion Blog Post

The class discussion we had shocked me, I walked into class and saw two men sitting down, and I already knew that it would be another class with guests. However, I looked at the men and automatically made the assumption that they were heterosexual males. Not for a second did I think they were gay or queer. They looked to me like average straight males. They didn’t seem feminine at all and to me, that’s what leads me to believe someone is gay. So, as the class went on Mr. Cassidy introduced our guest speakers and they began to tell us about themselves. The first speaker was an alumni of St. Benedict’s Prep, what shocked me was when he said he identified himself as queer. Before we began this lesson in class, I did not even know that queer was used to identify people. I always thought of it as a way to make fun of somebody, similar to a word like faggot. I knew it had a negative connotation, but when the speaker said it, it confused me because I was not quite sure of what he meant. However, he went further to explain what a queer truly is. He told us that it basically means being bisexual, he has an attraction to males and females. It was shocking because when I first came in, I automatically assumed him to be straight. Next was the other man I saw, I also thought of him as straight, however, he turned out to be a gay male. This showed me a lot about what we discuss in class, just because someone looks to be straight and does not obtain feminine characteristics doesn’t mean they are automatically a heterosexual male. This whole discussion shocked me and made me think about the people around me, there could always be gay or queer males around me and I automatically assume them to be heterosexual because that’s what they look to be.

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