Thursday, November 26, 2015

Geoffrey Ofori-Dwomfuo
Diversity and Social Justice
Glenn Cassidy

Recently, my mates and I were privileged to be in the presence of five men who were willing to share  their thoughts and experiences on sexual orientation. During the discussion I realized something very     odd. The conversation was mainly focused on homosexualism and less of heterosexualism. We were amazed by the abnormality of homosexuals and curious in acquiring more information from them speakers since most of us are being conditioned by the environment.  It's kind of weird but I felt less interested in the discussion as compared to the discussion we had with the females. I don't know if  it's because the females were more open and willing to share more personal informations with us.
I also find it amazing how he made the word "queer" sound amazing. I always thought queer was an umbrella term for something abnormal. Ironically, queer plays a role as a motivation to the speaker.  The bisexual speaker defined queer as having a friendly or intimate relationship with  people of different sexuality.
Many among the speakers had an issue revealing their sexual orientation to their family and friends because they built cold feet and didn't want to lose the relationship they had with them. Therefore, they had to deny what their heart desired. Unlike the others, Dominique had little problem revealing his sexuality to his family for his uncle was gay and therefore created a pathway for Dominique. If many homosexuals decide to accept who they really are and share it with the world, this would make it more likely for others to also do so.

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