Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Gender Roles

Today's class discussion, was very interesting. When I first came in to class I saw the two men I never met and automatically thought they were not gay. They did not look the part of a stereotypical gay male. I was happy to be informed about the term queer. I have heard that term before while I was at Lead For Diversity but I was confused on what it meant. Thankfully I was informed; I was type mad because somebody asked the question before I could. What really stood out to me was the fact that Dominick, the most flamboyant gay male, was the one to mainly talking and very proud to talk about the subject. On the contrary, the straighten men did not know what to say or how to answer the questions (even though the questions weren't really toward them). Before the main discussion we had an exercise where we had to close our eyes and imagine your perfect partner and how you felt in the moment. This was crazy cause I didn't no what my person looked like, I only knew it was a she and had curves. That tells me I still need to find that perfect partner. When we talked about how we would feel in the moment it got me nervous because discussing my feelings with other guys is weird to me. I believe so because I don't have feelings for guys and I'm not ready to get judged by many people. It was very intriguing when Mr. Cassidy connected Attraction, Behavior, and Identity to Gender, Gender Roles, and Gender Identity. Many subcategories in these topics coincide with each other which makes gender and sexuality very similar.

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