Monday, November 30, 2015


Before this class discussion I knew the basics about sexuality. I knew that people were either straight, gay, or bisexual. However I learned that people identify themselves as more than just these three sexualities. One of our guest speakers identified as queer. At first I thought queer was another derogatory word for gay people. Our guest speaker said the gay LGBTQ community is trying to take this word back for political use. Similarly to how some black people try to take the word nigga back. I learned that people who identify as queer can be attracted to both men and woman. At a glance queer seems the same as bisexual. The main difference between queer and bisexual is that queer is more of a political term. Queer is used to describe anything that is abnormal. Our guest speaker described his family as queer because they support their queer son and are not a normal family. Class that day informed me about the experirnces of various sexualities people identify themselves as.

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