Sunday, November 29, 2015

Class Discussion

Honestly, this class discussion was a little shocking for me. Since I like being early to class, when I had walked in I saw two guys sitting down. Now if it were not for the prior classes we had talking about gender roles and heterosexuality etc. I probably would've assumed that those males were heterosexual as well, coming to talk about discrimination against women in the workplace. I was still curious to see what they would identify themselves as, I was surprised when  he had said he identified as queer. Which brings me to when Mr. Cassidy introduced them, and he turned out to be an alumnus of the school and he identified as queer while in high school. My thoughts on how that word was used as a way to make fun of someone or that person's actions, kind of like faggot or dick head. I never knew it had a bad connotation, when he spoke of it it didn’t sound like a bad name to be identified as. Then he explained it as, he described it as basically as being bisexual, however, he said that’s not a term that really fits him as a person. This brings me to the guy who works at the bank, I thought that he would also be heterosexual just like Mr. Lowther and the other stranger. I was absolutely wrong, as he identified as a gay male. One thing that was interesting was that those who identified as something besides heterosexual, they were all embraced by their families when they came out and they didn't face to many hardships in the workplace as well. This discussion opened my eyes in a sense that people around me could be gay, etc. but I don’t see that because they might not possess more feminine characteristics. That I've been only to identify someone's sexual orientation because of how they look.

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