Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Armstrong blog

From interpreting what the Author said relating to class and connecting it to what we learned in class, there are similar things discussed. There's a higher and lower class and both are treated differently. The author mentions something about different pathways which is basically different experiences and different routes that people have to take in society. The different classes specifically mentioned are the Achiever, the striver, and the Socialelite. The Socialelite being otherwise known as the Privileged class and the others as lower classes. The privileged people for example in a college setting are the ones who don't have to worry about their tuition or the way they are going to live. The people who do worry are mostly people who come from lower classes are the people who are eating small amounts of food for every meal. All the privileged people have to worry about when they go to college is to just go to school meanwhile lower classes struggle paying student loans off. This just puts them at an even more disadvantage. The disadvantage occurs financially more than anything and it has a big impact on which classes will succeed more in life;which will most likely be the Privileged class. College just represents the kind of society that we all live in. It's pathways determine what we'll be in life and in order to know what you'll be in life college officials must know your class background information. Our future is being determined on what class we were born into,which is unfair.

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