Sunday, November 15, 2015

Color of fear

The color of fear was a documentary was a documentary film of a group of men at a weekend retreat engage in an open and candid dialogue on race and ethnicity. At this retreat there were two African American, two Latin Americans, two Asian American, and two whites. During day one, the dialogue wasn't really going anywhere until they got on the topic privilege. One of the whites guys wasn't really getting the message. He kept saying he understands them even though he haven't walked in their footsteps before. Due to the white guy ignorance of his privilege, an angry black guy started going off and explaining how colored people and whites start in two different areas. He brought up the point of view of how hard a negro has to work just to equal the level of an average white male. Another problem was the word "American", the black guy said in order to call yourself American, you must give away your ethnicity, ones identity is gone.  On the third day the white male was in tears because of he realized that he has privilege and realized that he can not relate to others because he has never been in their social status. In the film I can relate to the angry black man because he became frustrated when his point wasn't getting across. Overall I feel like this film point fingers towards the whites saying its there fault for the nations problems when some problems relies on themselves.

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