Sunday, December 13, 2015


Before getting into class I did not know much or anything about this subject of trans people. I knew that trans people live a hard life like any person who does not fit into the regular terms. At first I thought that trans people were people who just had sex operations an lived as the other sex. I did not know that people who do not fit inside, the what everyone calls, the norm they can be called transgender. Like how people assume that cooking is feminine and that lifting weights is masculine and if a man were to cook or like cooking and a woman were to lift weights people would look at them differently because that not what men or women do. They could consider themselves as a transgender person because they do not fit these gender roles  that they should be in. Also thanks to Jacklyn I know the terms that trans people use and why, Trans is mostly accepted by everyone, most transgender people like this term, what i learned was tranny is not a good term to use for them. For transgender people the term tranny is too black people the word nigger. Everyone who says the word tranny, its hurtful, and it to them puts them down. For them when someone says the word tranny, its like and ole white guy calling one of us a nigger. I have seen deeply into what transgender people have to go through everyday, the thought of getting killed or beaten must be scary. We are all people, humans, God put us all on this earth.We should not hate on transgender people but love them because they are people, and their are our sisters and brothers in Christ.

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