Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Color of Fear

I thought this film was interesting because there were so many people who had different point of views toward how certain races were and to see them connect with each other at the end of the movie was a special thing. When Victor Lewis made the point on how a white man will never know the feeling of constantly being watched as a black man  is. It stood out out to me because it's very true, a white person will never know what it's like to be a statistic because they have the PRIVILEGE of being white. Since society is dominated by White men, they won't have to worry much about being in the public eye because their white. "They step into a world that's theirs". Everything else is considered to be an outsider and all eyes are on them.

 Personally I felt connected with how Victor felt and I agreed with his statement because most of the things he said happen on a daily basis in society. Although Victor is portrayed as the angry black male in the movie, I can feel the same way because it's frustrating to be treated or judged unfairly simply because of the color of your skin. White people have the benefit of just being on top of this so called podium, while the darker your skin color the lower you are on the scale. Anyone would feel this way because it's a human reaction. Nobody likes being mistreated and undervalued.

The group worked to get past this by just listening to each other which is how I believed they began to connect with each other. I felt that once they just listened that they began to be aware of each other's situations and they imagined themselves in the other person's shoes.

The term "American" in this movie was defined as just being white. My definition of what it means to be an American was completely different before I took this course. I thought it meant that we stood together as a whole. Essentially, I figured race shouldn't have even been mentioned because we all should be considered as a whole instead of an individual. It's definitely changed over time because I've learned so much about our country's history and how people try to act like certain things never happened. Everything I learned before about this country was a lie and was bended further than it needed to. An American now to me is considered to be white because I now know this is a white mans world.

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