Thursday, October 22, 2015

Immigration Timeline

Looking at our project and one other group's timeline, I see a lot of similarities. Sadly, not everyone posted their timelines so it might be hard to discuss about all timelines and presentations. One big thing which is similar is our themes. Their theme was, "An Uphill Climb of Persecution" while my group did white supremacy. These two themes coincide with one another by showing the discrimination of many groups. These were picked most likely because they were easy topics. Almost everyone in the class is part of at least one of the discriminated groups, so each of us feel the pain. Being able to actually witness and live through this persecution makes it way easier to connect and discuss the topic. A difference I saw in the timeline was the talk about all immigrant groups during each time period. It only showed one immigrant group per time period. The timeline that was very similar to my group's timeline surprised me with information about the number of Native American solders used in the two World wars. This was surprising because I believed that the Native Americans only fought for their tribe and not a whole country. Unfortunately, these Native Americans were forced to be in the war, which wasn't talked about during neither timeline. Not one other group has a full timeline to show but the close to finish one I get to see has most of the same dates. Mainly because the dates were the first ones on the website provided but also because of our similar theme. Most dates on African American history and Native American history I've seen before, only because of my culture and a previous class. Some thoughts that this exercise brings up for me is why haven't I heard a lot about Asian American history or Latin American History. I believe this is very new to me because White America tries to hide all other nationalities' accomplishments so that their forgotten in history. We are just now starting to hear about African American history because the white man has began trying to "erase" all the negative history THEY caused and allowed some African American history to be wrote down. The reason I know some history about Native Americans is because I took a course called "Two American Warriors" and it discussed a lot about the mistreatment from the white society. Mainly how most of the Native American soil was stolen from them by the WHITE man. In conclusion, the timelines made in groups were so connected in many ways, but different through the themes each group discussed.

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