Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Crash Blog


     This movie was a huge eye opener for me. Not just racially but it used every single stereotype I have ever heard of for every ethnic or racial group that was in this movie. Between the police harassment towards people of color, and between the Muslim and Hispanic people being stereotypical as well. I have always seen racism and did not really pay attention to it very much. But then I watched this movie and I was so surprised by this. I have never really looked at anything in this way and never have gotten this perspective at any point in my life.
     Other than being a great story this was a great life lesson. Everyone has problems, everyone has flaws and no one is perfect in any means. By far, the only innocent person in this movie that was not guilty of anything, was the guy that fixes and puts locks on doors. He was a great man and you could see that through the way he treated his wife and especially his daughter. This made me get actually into very deep thought about it where I was at practice after school and it actually made me lose focus a little bit where I really need to focus. I was really able to actually see a lot of the struggles that every ethnic and racial group goes through in a way that was made into a very good movie versus being a boring documentary with a monotone guy speaking and describing what is going on at the time.


  1. Many times I see things only from only a view that I can understand. By reading this blog I realize that it is all about how you see things. Most of the time, I make jokes towards others and think that they see it as a joke. I get confused when they get angry about it. If I took the time to put myself in another person's shoes most of the things that I do I would not do. I totally agree with Danny when he says that no one is perfect, simply because it's true. Many times people, including myself, try to change how we act or how we portray ourselves in front of our friends. The question is have we ever asked ourselves why we do that? Have we ever asked ourselves why we partake in things that we know we would not do ourselves, but would definitely do if our friends were there? Things like this happen to everyone, and everyone makes mistakes, but the true question is whether we take time to truly reflect on our actions? After that, would we change what we do after we take time to just think about it?

  2. Yes, this movie was really an eye opening movie. I never knew African Americans and Latinos could also be racist. I thought it was a thing meant for whites. But in the beginning of the movie, the two guys were also stereotypical about the whites even though they were right about the whites fearing them because they were black. They went with the conditioning the environment had given. They were told that whites are scared of blacks because they are associated with crimes. Therefore followed that condition and thought that the whites were scared of them.
