Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Crash thoughts / Life

While watching this extravagant movie, many mixed emotions overwhelmed me, and many concerning thoughts came to mind. As I'm sure many of you may agree, I found the two black men in the beginning of the movie to be hypocrites. It's very self explanatory why I came to this conclusion. The two men where walking by a white lady and she hugged up on her husband for what seemed like "protection" from the two black men. The two men speak upon what they have saw and later "prove" why the stereotype is a stereotype in the first place. The two me pull out weapons and rob the lady and her husband for their car. This is one of the main things that stuck out to me in the movie. This is because of how accurate it is. Everyday you may hear about a black man getting arrested or killing someone things of that nature, but then blacks wonder why people generalize all of them as the same. It's because they give people a reason to believe that those things are true.
     To conclude, I find that this movie was very well made. I feel as if it covered all aspects of stereotypes,racists, and generalization. The conclusion(s) I came up from watching the movie are, people give other people a reason to generalize you, people give other people proof that stereotypes may be accurate, people give other people reasons to call them racists. All of these things are done by the person who is accused. I am not saying that everybody is like this but from the movie a majority, and in real life a majority as well. We are all hypocrites who do things that make us and the people like us look a certain way.


  1. I almost completely agree to this 100%. It was a great movie, acting was good, and I do feel that it covered all stereotypes. It made you really feel for the struggles that everyone went through as well and was able to make me in myself go back and think about the movie. People do give reasons for generalization, and others take that and developed stereotypes based on what they have seen or experienced and said oh all people of that color or ethnic background must be like that when it's not so.

  2. I agree with this, mainly because people continue to reinforce their stereotypes and always complain when people react towards that stereotype. The term "one represents all is true," because whenever that Black guy shoots a cop in the back of the head, a Muslim bombs another building, or a White man shoots a black guy in self-defense, all represent one guy that now makes a stereotype for the rest of the group. What makes it even worse is when someone knows about the stereotype and then acts on it, because not only does that make you reinforce the stereotype, it shows that the person does not care about the stereotype and if the stereotype is not cared about then we should be able to face the repercussions.

  3. I agree the action by the two guys was quite hypocritical because, before they robbed Jean and her husband, they had a conversation about how whites were always stereotypical about African Americans. I believe they only do what they do because that's what the whites expects from them. They have basically accepted the identity imposed upon them by the whites. Therefore strengthening the stereotypical thoughts Jean had on them.
