Sunday, October 4, 2015

Crash: Cycle of Prejudice

There are many stereotypes that are presented in the movie.  Some in which African Americans usually always steal or rob someone.  Also, people may not look at this as a stereotype but i think that showing that white people are racist is also a stereotype.  I say this because all whites may not be racist.  At the beginning of the movie the white couple were walking pass two young African American men.  The wife from the white couple got a little startled, in other words nervous or scared.  She acted like that because she automatically assumed that the African American men were going to do something to them.  Another instance is where the hispanic guy was fixing her locks at home and she happened to see his tattoos and siad they were gang tattoos.  So she complained to her husband that the hispanic guy was going to give their keys to his "gangbanger homies".  Toward the end of the movie the "good cop" picked one of the African American men up because he was hitch hiking.  Then he ended up getting all defensive because deep down inside thats what he was conditioned to do.  He ended up killing the black guy because he thought he was pulling a gun out of his pocket.  Like I said in the last question, the good cop feared that the African American man going to pull out a gun on him so he reacted and ended up killing him.  I also think that fear was installed in the black couple at the begging of the movie as well.  Other then fear the black couple had anger too, because of the situation that happened with the cops.  Anger caused the husband to fight the men trying to rob him and stunted the black couples relationship.  The racist cop who molested the wife did that because prier to the situation he was angry that the black woman couldn't or simply wouldn't help his sick father because of his attitude.  So therefore he took his anger out on another black women who had nothing to do with that situation.  Conditioning was represented when the good cop shot the black man because he automatically thought he was pulling a gun out.  Thoughts/Expectations was shown when the white woman thought that the black men were going to do something to her or her husband.  Also when she thought that the hispanic man was going to give her keys away to his "homies ".  She also showed avoidance when she held on to her husband's arm in fear.  The bad cop showed verbal dehumanization when he was talking to the black lady who worked in the office saying that she shouldn't have had her job because she was black and that she was lucky to have it.  

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