Monday, September 21, 2015

Who Am I?

It's a Monday morning, the sun is shinning, the flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping... It is just a normal beautiful day. But as you walk to the bus stop, you notice someone out of place, you see a "Caucasian" male in your "black neighborhood". Did you ever take the time to ever think about how you may view someone else before you even meet or talk to the guy? Any characteristics, that you assume about the guy is giving him a "false identity".

The United States is a diverse country and in order to substain the amount of people and cultures, they must give people an identity,... A set of characteristics by which a thing is definitely known. In today's society, the people and the media tends to falsely identify people just because of their race. The United States is known for being one of the most racist countries. The racism dates way back even before the America was called the United States. Over time the names have been through an evolution and it had never left certain races. For example, words like terrorist apply usually to only one race and or culture... Arabs or Muslims.

Today, the media tries it's best to condition the people by thinking that certain words applies only to a certain people. When people heard the word terrorist, the first type of people to come to mind were Arabs due to the events of nine eleven. But when Americans commit terrorists acts, the media uses other words so this title can stay with this culture of people. On April 20, 1999, two seniors planted bombs around their high school and on the other side of town. The bombs failed to denote so they commenced with their plan to shoot up the school. After completing their task, they both end their lives with a bullet to the head ending their own lives. The acts that happened fulfills the definition of a terrorist but because they were white, the media called them the "Trench Coat Mafia". Another term illegal immigrants usually applies to Mexicans because of the stories from the border patrol, but in fact the most illegal immigrants in the U.S currently is the Irish.

The world is becoming more prejudice due to the "minorities" out populating the the dominate race whites. Until people minds expand to accept the diversity, life will be an ongoing process of questions. What do others think I am and want me to be?...Which social groups do I want to affiliate with?... Who Am I?


  1. The united states isn't very diverse but isn't as equal as it needs to be. Through conditioning whites keep blacks down. Blacks need to learn how to prosper on their own just like ever. We have to keep our people lifted so we can live just as good as other races. Black people needs to get educated about their history so we don't go through the same oppression as the past generation.

  2. Daryl,

    "Which social groups do I want to affiliate with?" Maybe we need to ask some other questions to go along with that. Which social groups are willing to accept me, if I'm not the same as them? Why should I have to find a way to affiliate with other social groups just to be accepted? Why can't I continue to identify with my own social group? These questions are what makes this whole issue so incredibly difficult. We like to think that we have complete control over what happens to us in our lives and that the determining factors in our lives are the decisions that we make. If we make good decisions, we should prosper. If we make bad decisions, we get into trouble. However, it's not that simple.
