Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Crash: Explained

In the movie Crash we are force fed all of these stereotypical situations in which each main character has some connection with another. By force fed I mean that there are so many instances where prejudice or racial tension is being put into effect. Some races that clashed were, whites and blacks, whites and East Asian, and Hispanic and East Asian. During these tensions one person made an action while the other person didn't like the action and attacked their identity. This is like what we talked about in class, where we are mad at their action but we take it out on their identity. Now, another thing present in the movie was the cycle of prejudice. A way conditioning was shown was when the black detective's brother places his traveling piece on top of the dashboard. This is conditioning because he is making Ludicrous believe that the statue actually brings safe travels. Thoughts and expectations is shown when the white lady sees two black guys walking toward her. She thinks that the guys are going to harm her so she grabs her husband which is another step in the cycle called avoidance. There was a whole lot of verbal dehumanization during the movie, but one that stood out to me was when the rich black guy told ludacris that he is a disgrace to him and his race. This stood out to me because it makes you think and want to think about how the world sees ourselves.  Finally, there is physical violence. A good example is when the younger white cop shot a black man in his car because he thought the guy was going to pull out a gun. This shows almost every part of the cycle in that one scene. He thought and expected for him to pull out a gun, the white guy tried to avoid the black guy by kicking him out da car. They both were verbally dehumanizing each other. But then the white guy ended up doing physical violence. Officer Tommy Hanson demonstrates that the race or intentions of individual officers are only a symptom of a larger societal problem with regards to race. Before he shows that he sees it first hand with his partner, at the time, when he abuses his authority and molested aa black women and doesn't get in trouble for it. The only reason the cop didn't get in trouble was because the chief was corrupt and let stuff slide because the black chief didn't want to lose his job. Unfortunately, Officer Tommy fell to the same problem when he killed the black man because of a social problem with regarding to race. In conclusion, Crash was a good movie to open my eyes to a prejudice works that we live in, and to show it with extra obvious stereotypes makes it seem even more worse than it is.

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