Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Crash:troubles in the world

Crash is focused on showing the racial problems in the world today. I was able to see how certain races judge each other and put each other down. The movie touched on many things like prejudice, stereotypes, and conditioning. In the movie it showed how one's actions can come back around to affect you. The racial tension in Crash is very heavy. The people who you would think are good they turn out to be bad or do something that contradiction your perception on that character. Also, the people who seem bad do something good.

The stereotypes in the movie are easy to find. In one scene, a white woman sees two black guys walking pass her and her husband. She gets scared and grabs a hold of her husband. Without even knowing who the black guys are she judges them. Another scene of stereotyping in the movie is when the same woman gets mad with a Hispanic male changing her locks and just because he had tattoos she thought he was a gang member and he would sell her house keys to a gang member.

Fear plays a significant role in the movie. At the beginning of the movie a black couple gets pulled over. The cop abuses his power and molested the black woman. The black man was scared the whole time, he feared for his life. The woman was mad at her husband for letting the cop do that to her, but I personally think that the black man action were the best for that situation.  

The movie showed some of the problems that people have with each other today. People aren't always as good as they seem. You truly see who people really are in pressure moments like when the white cop picks up the black guy. They are in the car and they go at it for a little and the black guy tries to show the white guy what he was laughing about. The white cop prejudged the black man and ended up killing the Black man for no reason. We thought he was a good guy at the beginning, but he ended up being like all the other characters in the movie.   

Anger was apparent with the white woman at the end of the movie when she realized that she was angry for no reason. She would push her friends away and when she needed them most they vanished.The only one there for her was her house maid who she realized was her only friend. Anger was also shown by the white man when talking to the insurance woman. The man got mad at the lady just because she had a black name. This can also relate to colleges and jobs today. Sometimes they cut the number of applications just by the keep of name the person has. This is something that needs to be fixed. While watching this movie showed me that we as people have a lot of work to do before we get to where we want to as people.  

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