Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Reading

What I got from these readings is that everyone goes through struggles of their own. Whether it's from racism or from gender discrimination, everyone(even myself) goes through struggles. Some major, and some not so big at all. I have had my share of struggles as well having a sister with special needs. As much as I would love her to be a normal girl, I love her very much and will always feel blessed to have her as a sister and see her smiling every time I come home from Leahy House on the weekend. I also think that there are a lot of hidden struggles that not all of us see other people going through. Being persecuted for being poor, even rich, cause not all rich people are happy, in fact a lot of them are actually miserable in reality. There are actually a lot of poor people that are happy and more satisfied with their life than most rich people.  Also, every ethnic, racial or social group has their own share of struggles. Everyone has gone through their share of struggles and some people still do. Italians and Irish had their share of struggles as well. The Irish went through a lot of discrimination in the 1800s. Especially during the Civil War when most of the Irish were coming to the U.S. Then, the Italians started to come into the country during the early 1900s through the 1920s. This is why the Mafia became a thing in the United States. They would band together to protect themselves and make money while they are at it. Now a lot of people hear " Oh, I'm Italian," and more times then not, people would think, "He's in the mob, he's dangerous." But, in reality, the Italians are not the only ones who had anything to do with organized crime. There are the Yakuza, Triad Society, American Mafia, Sicilian Mafia, Russian Mafia, Irish Mob and more groups. It was not only the Italians and the Sicilians back then and the Russians, and other European and Asian gangs were very powerful and dangerous back in the day


  1. I strongly agree with the fact that everyone has his or her struggles they go through. Certain people may express it with a gloomy look, others may be not. One might have a great wealth but could be experiencing struggles

  2. Therefore we should stop prejudicing people and try to find solutions to our struggles.

  3. Danny,

    While it's important to recognize that everyone has a story and everyone has struggles, it's also important to realize that not all of those struggles come from the same place. Yes, there are miserable rich people and happy poor people. However, happy or miserable have nothing to do with the system that is set in place to favor some people over others. I think we see this in the movie Crash in Sandra Bullock's character. She is miserable, but not because a system has been set up to make her life harder than others. She is miserable because of the unique circumstances of her own life. The key here is not to think of this as whose story is worse, who has the harder life, who has struggled but overcome. The key here is to think about what are the systems in our society that favor some over others. Think of it like this. We are running a race but have different starting lines. Your starting line is 30 yards ahead of mine in the 100-yard dash. This doesn't mean that I can't still win, it doesn't mean that you may not trip or have a hurt ankle or anything else. It does mean that a system was set up for you to be able to get to the finish line before me - if everything else was equal.

  4. I understand fully where you're coming from with the category of "struggles". Everyone like cass said have their own story. I too have struggled myself, but the difference between everyone is based on who overcomes those struggles. Doing this will better you as a person. I may not be in the same situation as you but some struggles in life are hard we all go through them. But, just adding on to your post, should we let struggles overwhelm us or should we overcome them?

  5. I understand fully where you're coming from with the category of "struggles". Everyone like cass said have their own story. I too have struggled myself, but the difference between everyone is based on who overcomes those struggles. Doing this will better you as a person. I may not be in the same situation as you but some struggles in life are hard we all go through them. But, just adding on to your post, should we let struggles overwhelm us or should we overcome them?

  6. We all have our own forms of struggles. Many times the happiest kid next to you might be the kid whose going through the most struggles. Just like Armaan said the true challenge is not the struggle itself, it is how you deal with it that separates you from the rest. In fact, I believe in order to be happy there must have been some struggle that you've overcome whether you realize it or not.
