Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Our generation

What I got from some of these readings is that we must be ourselves, we must love ourselves. Its hard now to be who we are, because we want to fit in, we want to belong so bad so we change who we are to be loved. Like coming into a new school, I came here from a mostly white school and I did everything I could to fit in. I changed myself to what I had been seeing at school to try and fit in to try and belong to something. When we belong to something we fell whole we feel loved because that's our home away from home.  Kirk and Okazawa-Ray said that we are most comfortable being themselves and we are until we are faced with people we don't know then we try to be different so they can try to accept us. Social classification how human beings label and classify other human beings, as Kirk and Okazawa-Ray said. We classify ourselves into so many different things, the world all ready judge's and classifies us as black, and poor, but we use those things and classify ourselves into different sub groups like light-skin and dark-skin. We are discriminating againstead ourselves. Prejudice, we as black people are  badat this  in my eyes, we look at people are before knowing it we judge them and make assumptions based on what they look like. We all have done it walking and them seeing a group of black people who look ruff and thuggish walking toward us so we get scared and either walk faster past them or cross the street. They maybe the nicest people ever but we made a prejudice  decision based on stereotypes and other racist things we hear all the time. Everytime we judge or we assume something about someone we are being prejudice. Conditioning through what Johnson says is that young kids are conditioned into being  racist, prejudice. That's true kids are not born racist, they are taught through parents and other people around them. The psychological view is that kids under 5 years old retain lots more information, they may not be able to say it but it's in their head and they will remember it. Like if the mom says dirty jews around her kid that child will remember it and think and live as if jews are dirty.


  1. I agree with you on how as humans,we grow up with the ideas of those around such as our elders strongly keep those beliefs as wrong or right as they are. However, as we grow we begin to have our own moral compass develop and we begin to put it into action.

  2. Geri,

    Your points are well taken and it seems like you have a good understanding of the readings. The question at hand, now, is how do we get this message into the hands of enough parents and those who have most access to young people to influence the way they are conditioned.
