Tuesday, September 22, 2015

What have I learned-Matt Moreno

     So far the reading that mainly spoke to me was the first one we did. Where it talked about the two different levels, Micro and Meso. What I really got from it was that the Micro level represents at a young age and I a lot of things can change your life at a really young age. Really big events for example like losing a parent can really destroy a kids way of life. He's really young so he would be really confused but at the sime have a sense of what's chappening. This can shape his life and his identity. At the Meso level I believe that's when your a little bit older like middle school and highschool and have a sense of what's going on the world. Things that can really show your identity would be like they way you act. For example if there's a kid who has a bad attitude and always gets introuble it sometimes may mean he has his own problems at home. Also the way kids dress can also identify there life. Usually when someone has really nice clothes or brand new shoes every month are usually called rich or spoiled, and when people have clothes from stores like old navy, gap and more they tend to get made fun of because of the cheap fake brand they wear. People make such a big deal on the brand and not on how it actually looks.
       So far I have been learning many things from class. The topic I mainly like right now is how many people in this world stereotypes people. For example when you hear the word immigrants what race do you immediately think of "Hispanics" of course but like our teacher cass said the other day most of the immigrants in New York are mad up of Irish people but people tend to still say immigrants are mostly Mexicans.
       I also learned a lot from the little videos of Disney that we watch. When we watched the video of the mermaids the dark and big witch was telling the mermaid that she only needs her body to be beautiful and not her voice. This sends a horrible message to the young girls out there who watch the Disney movies. They might not really understand what's happening or understanding it but it sends a message to them. Also another film we watched was when the monkeys where dancing to the swing jazz. That basically represents how African Americans were really interested into swing jazz and also the monkeys had a slang of a black man for example when the one monkey said cuz. Also the words of the song was saying "I wanna be like you" showing kids that it's basically wrong to be your self and be like other people.

1 comment:

  1. Matt,

    I'd like you to reread the information about Micro and Meso levels. I think there is more to it than what you mention. You are referring to those levels as only being about age. I believe they are much more about environment. Micro being the people and things that are closest to me. Meso being the larger communities of which I am a part. Certainly, at young ages, we are exposed mostly only to the Micro level, because we are only exposed to our parents and immediate families. We do engage more on the meso level as we get older and engage in school, teams, etc. However, we still have the micro level all through our lives. Reread this section and see if this makes any more sense to you.
